Wasabia japonica:
It is also named “wasabi”, a member of
Brassicaceae family. Parts of it’s root, stem
and leaf have special hotness taste and people
use them for seasoning. The hotness taste
comes from the chemical ingredient of the plant
called ” Allyl Isothiocyanate”
It’s also a member of Brassicaceae family.
People use the part of it’s root for horseradish
powder or sauce. Before, there were a large
number of commercial growth in North America
and coast around the Mediterranean, but now the
largest growth has been seen in China. In eastern
countries horseradish sauce is mostly prepared
for chicken and steak. Allyl Isothiocyanate also
makes horseradish tastes hot and spicy.
Mustard seeds comes from mustard plant and the
plant is also a member of Brassicaceae family.
Mustard seeds are usually milled for mustard
powder, sauce, mustard oil and curry .